List of movies

Country Title Year Avg. (nb)
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Indonesia Hantu Biang Kerok Hantu Biang Kerok2009 0 (1 Reviews)
Dead Mine Dead Mine2012 0.25 (1 Reviews)
The real pocong The real Pocong2009 3.5 (1 Reviews)
Pelet Kuntilanak Pelet Kuntilanak2011 1.5 (1 Reviews)
Jeruk Puruk Cemetary Hantu Jeruk Purut2006 2.25 (1 Reviews)
Miracle Baby Bayi Ajaib1982 2.75 (1 Reviews)
A thousand doors Lawang Sewu2007 0.5 (1 Reviews)
Birth in the Tomb Beranak dalam kubur1971 3 (1 Reviews)
Chased by satan Dikejar Setan2009 2.5 (1 Reviews)
Bride Waterfall Air Terjun Pengantin2009 2.25 (1 Reviews)
Birahi Perempuan Halus Birahi Perempuan Halus1997 2 (1 Reviews)
Evil Nurse 2 Suster Keramas 22011 0 (1 Reviews)
Swore its shroud wrapped ghost Sumpah ini Pocong2008 0.25 (1 Reviews)
The Ghost of Karawang Dancer Arwah Goyang Karawang2011 1.75 (1 Reviews)
Shrouded Ghost 2 Pocong 22006 2.75 (1 Reviews)
Ghost of the bridge Ancol Hantu Jembatan Ancol2008 1.5 (1 Reviews)
Godaan Perempuan Halus Godaan Perempuan Halus1993 2 (1 Reviews)
Goblin Anak Setan2009 2.75 (1 Reviews)
Comatose Mati Suri2009 3.5 (1 Reviews)
The Hungry Snake Woman Petualangan cinta nyi blorong1986 3.75 (1 Reviews)

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